Big Star to Co-Host The Millennial Watch on Touch HD this Friday

Musical genius, Big Star, will guest host Touch HD’s popular daily radio show, The Millennial Watchthis Friday 29 September 2017. Big Star will join rising radio presenter Arye Kellman, who has played a significant role in spotlighting millennial talent, live at 13:20 – 14:20 CAT as they unlock the #Millination with dope music and inspiring conversations.

We are very happy that our collective effort on Big Star’s brand is receiving due attention across various industries. It is a good indication of the growth of Big Star’s brand and shows Big Star’s versatility as an all-round personality” shares Raphael Benza of Vth Season.

You can catch Big Star’s guest co-host debut live tomorrow by downloading the Touch HD app or streaming HERE!



Distributed by: Sheila Afari PR